Symbolism Game

Self Discover & Share

  • Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • Slide title

    Write your caption here
  • Slide title

    Write your caption here


It all began with an ice-breaker I developed for a sales training class. This ice breaker game unexpectedly gave way to some of the most personal discussion sessions I have ever witnessed. The initial goal was to get everyone's day started on a creative note. However, magic took place between adult trainees who barely knew each other, that had only come to pick up some call center chops. Instead of overcoming objections, they were crying for and with each other, moved beyond routine surface level interactions. The exercise was this: Draw four simple symbols on a piece of paper that represent you in some way, but no using "original" symbols. You can use a cross, a heart, or a yin and yang, but you must combine or "alchemize" these symbols to create something new. Don't make it too obvious whose they are, because after you are done we are going to put these on the board, and go around the room seeing if we can guess whose is whose. When everyone has placed their guesses, we will claim our symbols and share with the class what they represent for us. At the time, I had no real articulated understanding of the power of symbols outside of knowing that somehow, some way, they pulled strings behind our human existence beyond what could be accounted for. The sharing portion of the exercise consistently brought on very intense group sessions that involved valorous exclamations of personal beliefs on what is right and wrong, divulging of personal struggles, and deep diving into personal life lessons and life philosophies. There was clear dredging of the depths of these individuals. The onset of vulnerability in the context of an environment that was not inviting such personal sharing was unreal. I could not have kept the discussions surface level, even if I wanted to. The exercise seemed to cut through the social conditioning borne of the workplace environment. After enough classes playing this game with similar results, I realized that part of the magic behind this exercise was a harnessing of the two modes by which we experience our thoughts-pictures and words. This process aids in bypassing the filtering mechanism that often separates us from a deeper sense of connection within ourselves, and the things that matter to us.


If you would like to share what you've come up with, please email a scan or image taken of your art (yes, it is art!) to Your symbols may optionally be posted in the gallery, along with the multitude of others who have "symbol mapped" themselves. Please include a note as to whether you would like to share with the rest of the world!

If you'd like help interpreting, or if you would like assistance from someone more practiced, please visit our Contact page.

For more examples of other's symbols, click here!

How to try on your own:

Level 1

1. Take a pen and paper and put down four symbols that represent you in any way shape or form. This isn't an art competition, so don't let your assumptions about your ability stop you. No using original symbols by themselves (like the Cross, the Yin&Yang, etc.), but you can draw inspiration from those you may have in mind. Seek to combine elements in imagining these symbols. And remember - they are yours!

2. Now look at them. Imagine these four symbols carved into the entrance pillars of a great city. What kind of city is this? What are the people like? What do these symbols mean to you? What kind of feelings do they hold?

3. Jot down some of the thoughts that come up. Think about any phrases or ideas you might associate with the visuals you have created. List these out in a journal or on the piece of paper itself. Don't be afraid to "throw paint at the wall". Trust your associations. Don't judge yourself or demand immediate sense-making of what comes up.

Level 2 (This requires some active imagination)

1. Once you've drawn these symbols take them, and re-create them a few times on a piece of paper. Draw them within each other. Next to each other. Upsidedown, backwards, sideways, every which way but off the page. Co-mingle a few words or phrases that stuck out to you from your writing within your drawing and take a step back.

2. What is the story your Creation tells? See what narratives you can find within, and only take away what is useful for you! If it comes to mind, chances are you are touching on a legitimate connection.

3. Jot down any of the interesting connections, images, or wordplays that you see or that come to mind.

Feel free to reach out for assistance with level 2!

You have created a tangible expression of your Self. The value in the visual data lies in being from the tip of your brain. These expressions often create deeper self understanding, and empowerment. Studying these expressions can produce great personal value over time. The more attention you pay, the more you will begin to notice! Some even report the emergence of these symbols in their daily waking lives. These are symbols you can use to express yourself in a tangible, illustrated thought. Create, and remember who you are!

To inquire about your own personal Symbol Map from the AlcheMister himself, click here.

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